Holding Tanks 2 and 3 Corrosion Repair

The Des Moines Wastewater Holding Tanks 2 and 3 were originally constructed in 1964. They are the original anaerobic digesters at the treatment plant, located at 1200 South 216th Street. They were subsequently replaced by the North and South Digesters in 1983 and 1998 respectively. Since then, tanks 2 and 3 have been primarily used as decant facilities to provide additional treatment.
Recently during routine maintenance of the Holding Tank floating covers, significant corrosion and potential safety problems were detected. The District asked Gray and Osborne Consulting Engineers to explore the options available to the District concerning the aging covers. The District elected to repair and recoat the existing covers and keep them in service.
Nordic Construction was the low bidder at $214,841.19 and is now in the middle of the project. The project is expected to take 55 working days.